Marcelo Leal
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  • San Jose, California
  • Estados Unidos
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Información de perfil

Materias que imparte / función educativa (sólo se admiten docentes con nombre y apellido y datos profesionales completos):
Español y tecnologia
Experiencia en el uso de Internet en el aula:
Lo tengo escrito en inglés:
My Philosophy
My philosophy is based on teaching to Multiple Intelligences. In order to become proficient of the target language students needs to be exposed to culture and language through dialogue, art, technology, music and projects. Teaching the language as well as the culture fosters the idea that learning a world language is a means of communication and cultural expression, not simply a school subject.
My Community
My Environment
My name is Marcelo Leal and I’m in my 14th year of teaching Spanish at Oak Grove High School in San Jose. At fifteen, I came to the US from El Salvador continued my education in New York City where I graduated from Hunter College in Manhattan. It was also in New York where I worked with renown educator Deborah Myer at Central Park East Secondary School in Harlem where I learned how to motivate those students whose motivation may be lacking. I moved to California with my wife in 2000 and joined the team at Oak Grove High School in East San Jose. My passion is finding ways for students to access the curriculum with technology and motivating the Latino youth and their families for a post secondary education. Working with the Migrant Education Program and Latino Parents Coalition allows me to advocate for the importance of education to students and their families. My affiliation with BAFLP (the Bay Area Foreign Language Program) has allowed me to work with hundreds of language teachers on best practices and methods of teaching a second language. I’m currently working with educators to train them on the uses of an on-line unit sharing framework (My where I will be conducting upcoming workshops at Stanford University.
Nombre y localidad de su centro educativo:
San Jose, CA
Página web personal o del centro educativo con contenido visible (compruebe que el enlace es correcto)

Comentario (1 comentario)

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Participar en Internet en el Aula

A las 10:49pm del enero 23, 2014, Manuela Sanz Valenzuela dijo...

Estimad@ compañer@:

   Te agradecería que me ayudaras en un trabajo de investigación rellenando este breve cuestionario:

  El enlace al cuestionario es el siguiente:

   Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.

   Un saludo

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Principio de Arquimedes

Iniciada por Modesto Vega Alonso en Proyectos 1 Sep 2024.

Fuerza centrifuga y "Duelo de fantasmas"

Iniciada por Modesto Vega Alonso en Proyectos 7 May 2024.

Estudiar Física observando la naturaleza

Iniciada por Modesto Vega Alonso en Proyectos 1 Ene 2024.

Física. Energía y trabajo

Iniciada por Modesto Vega Alonso en Materiales didácticos 8 Mar 2023.

Ofrece tu blog... o tu sitio web 905 contestaciones 

Iniciada por Antonio Ruiz en Proyectos. Última respuesta de Jose Manuel García Plazuelo 13 Mar 2022.



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