Página Web: http://playsforenglishclass.blogspot.com/
Miembros: 142
Última actividad: 29 Jun 2014
We've set up this group so that teachers can keep in touch after our Drama and Storytelling course has finished and continue to share teaching experiences related to drama.
When I heard about the drama course and the possiblity of joining this website I was immediately drawn to it. I´m pretty sure it will keep me up on English drama resources. I haven´t much drama…Continuar
Iniciada por Caridad Arroyo Sanchez 31 Mar 2014.
During my school years our class prepared every end of the course a play for our parents. For me, having the opportunity of being on stage was a great deal. I had to bring my feelings face to face. I…Continuar
Iniciada por Elisa Rodriguez. Última respuesta de Juan Carlos de Lassaletta 30 Mar 2014.
Well, I´ve worked with drama since the beginning of this year. And I have checked it improves a lot the learning process of my students. Drama is essentially social and involves contact,…Continuar
Iniciada por Inma Marcos Peyró 30 Mar 2014.
Hi, my name is Inés.This year I work as a tutor in third level of Primary Education and I teach English in Infant Education.I joined this course because I wanted to improve my drama resources.I…Continuar
Iniciada por Inés Muñoz 27 Mar 2014.
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When I heard about the drama course and the possiblity of joining this website I was immediately drawn to it. I´m pretty sure it will keep me up on English drama resources. I haven´t much drama experience so fa,r just some small atttempts on Primary Education. I will delighted to share out and get some information about Secondary drama experiences.
Thanks in advance.
Hi everybody!I have just begun to work so my experience with drama and storytelling is short. I have read a story in my class and I have done some little role-plays. I think it's interesting and fun to teach English through this. Although I have to say that when I was a young girl I hated because I was shy and now too, but I understand it in a different way.
My first interest in drama came during my work in summer camps, where the camp staff used to create a story for the children to develop during the ten days they would spend with us. I realised it was great fun -and hard work too- to prepare an outline of what the story would be like, and that it was really motivating for the children to be involved in such stories. One summer we would be in Hogwarts School of Magic, whereas the next we would turn into Greek gods and goddesses, pirates, knights or many other characters. We would make our own costumes, props and sets and have the children help us on a mission or solving a mystery through different games and adventures that lasted for days. Every year, the children’s response would be astonishing.
As I had had such good experiences and so much fun, I decided to learn some basic drama skills and I took some regular classes last year. I believe drama is very useful for teachers as it helps us be more expressive, more interesting and better communicators. I also think that drama techniques can improve memory, sharpen your mind and boost creativity and self-esteem.
This year I am taking a course organised by Calambur teatro, which focuses on improvisation. It is magical to see stories generate before your eyes without knowing beforehand how you are going to react or what you are going to do. Moreover, I feel the underpinning philosophy in improvisation is very empowering. When you are improvising, there are no mistakes. No one is ever wrong. You have to take any situation as it is handed to you and improve it.
I would suggest you watch any of the improvisation shows currently running in Madrid, they are quite special. And maybe you would feel like giving it a try ;)
Hi everyone,
My experience with drama in the class is realy rewarding; I try to use it as much as possible with my students, especially in the subject "Oral Skills" (Ampliación de Inglés) in Bachillerato, although -if we have time- is really fun for younger students as well, because they love to perform and work in groups; as long as you prepare the activity with time, with a clear set of rules they have to follow when working in their scripts or rehearsing them, everything goes well in the end.
Sometimes I write short skits the students have to perform, or I create a set of characters for a role play; I also give them the beginning of a play and some guidelines they have to follow to finish it, so we also practice writing skills.
Broadly speaking, they enjoy all the drama activities, and shier students are fostered to participate and speak.
Hi everyone!
As a pupil, the drama experience I have had so far is being in a couple of school plays when I was a child.
I have always love drama, so as an English teacher, I like writing and adapting short plays for children since I think it is one of the most rewarding writing experiences. In my opinion, it is important to write what you love and choose topics that generate passion within us. In this way, our enthusiam will cross over the audience. But it is also important to make certain that our plays connect with the pupils too. In some cases that means to add a dash of fantasy or the play can take place in the real world, like the christmas plays my pupils perform every year.
Moreover, I like writing easy scripts related to the English topics we are working on in class, with easy plots, dialogues and easy to create sets. Sometimes, I also give my pupils the opportunity to develop their imagination and creativity by wrtiting their own stories.
Hi! My name is Mercedes and my first experience with drama was not very good.When i was a child I was very shy and my teacher made me act in all the school plays. I hated it! Little by Little i lost a bit my shyness and i like it now, but I still prefer to be the director!
I have always loved theatre, since I was a child, but it was not till University that I had a real contact with the stage. I and other students from my class created two or three abstract plays about communication, isolation, and protest. It only lasted one year but it was a really enriching experience. When I became a teacher, I started to include short role plays, dialogues,...till my pupils were able to act a Pantomime. Doing that, some pupils who were very shy, had the opportunity to express themselves writing some parts of the script, and some act really well.It was hilarious! We all had fun and learn something about English culture. Introducing the theatre in the lessons is not easy, but it is worth it.
I have had little practical experience of working with drama in the classroom, although I'm hoping that this will soon change. I have seen some very good children's drama performances at The English Montessori School, where my own children go to school. Original theatre productions are staged each year by each class in primary education. The scripts and the music are written by the teachers who in some cases play a musical instrument to accompany the children's singing. The theme of the plays often is often taken from the subject of a topic that the children have been studying in class. For example, I have seen a play which was the dramatisation of a Greek myth and another which was a dramatisation of the Seuss story "The Lorax", concerned with out environmental matters.
Although the English language used in these plays was at a higher level than I could expect from my students they have served to give me many ideas as to how to write a script for a children's play.
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Iniciada por Caridad Arroyo Sanchez 31 Mar 2014.
Iniciada por Elisa Rodriguez. Última respuesta de Juan Carlos de Lassaletta 30 Mar 2014.
Iniciada por Inma Marcos Peyró 30 Mar 2014.
Iniciada por Inés Muñoz 27 Mar 2014.
Iniciada por Rosa María Romero Migueles 27 Mar 2014.
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