

How to burn calories all day long


1 What should you start the day with?

2 Why should you work out a little bit in the morning?

3 When should you start exercising in the morning?

4 What should you do after exercising?

5 When should you eat your breakfast?

6 What are you recommended to eat for breakfast?

7 Why is it important to eat 5 meals a day?

8 What is recommended at about 11?

9 What should we do at noon?

10 Why shouldn’t we eat lunch late?

11 What are we recommended to have for lunch?

12 What should we eat at mid afternoon?

13 What are we recommended to do after work and why? 

14 What should we eat for dinner?

15 What type of exercise is recommended after dinner?

16 What can you drink to help you nod off?










Keys to Listening “ How to burn fat all day long” del Upstream Intermediate track 11

1 What should you start the day with? A cup of green tea

2 Why should you work out a little bit in the morning? It will help you to elevate your energy level and will keep you alert.

3 When should you start exercising in the morning? Half an hour after waking up.

4 What should you do after exercising? To stock up on carbohydrates and liquids

5 When should you eat your breakfast? 1 hour after exercising

6 What are you recommended to eat for breakfast? Fruit , Yoghourt, rye bread,

7 Why is it important to eat 5 meals a day? Because with 3 the body stores more food as fat

8 What is recommended at about 11? A kiwi or a banana

9 What should we do at noon? Drink cold water to help our body burn more calories heat up our body

10 Why shouldn’t we eat lunch late? Because the later it is the more likely it will be for us to eat fast food to satisfy our hunger.

11 What are we recommended to have for lunch? Some carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, but never much. Tuna sandwich, chicken sandwiches, raw vegetables.

12 What should we eat at mid afternoon? A banana, fruit yoghourt,

13 What are we recommended to do after work and why? Powerful exercise because our muscles are more flexible then. Go for a run or fast walk.

14 What should we eat for dinner? Red peppers, chillis and ginger because they help to burn calories.

15 What type of exercise is recommended after dinner? Deep breathing exercises

16 What can you drink to help you nod off? A cup of chamomile tea or a cup of skimmed hot milk

Visitas: 57


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