I love dancing, singing and acting. I am an English teacher and I really love my job, but I always think that I was an actress in a past life! Haha! I teach English to kindergarten and to 1st cycle of Primary. And most of the time we are singing and dancing, because I am sure this is a perfect way to learn lots of things, not only vocabulary, but also grammar and pronunciation!  I have a song for every routine, to say hello, goodbye, to clean up the class, to count to 20, to name the colors, animals, etc. and these songs have lots of gestures to help kids to learn! Although I must say that they are not mine, but I have learnt them all along these years as a teacher, and I use them frequently.

I also encourage first graders to act out the little play it is set in every unit of their English books. It is easy and funny and they really love to do it!

And, finally, I have to tell that every year, some teachers and mothers of the school prepare a play for The Book’s Day and I always play a role… I really enjoy it!

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Foro de discusión

Drama ans Storytelling

Iniciada por Caridad Arroyo Sanchez 31 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama 1 contestación 

Iniciada por Elisa Rodriguez. Última respuesta de Juan Carlos de Lassaletta 30 Mar 2014.

Improving with Drama

Iniciada por Inma Marcos Peyró 30 Mar 2014.

My drama experience

Iniciada por Inés Muñoz 27 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama

Iniciada por Rosa María Romero Migueles 27 Mar 2014.



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