I love working with skits, short plays or role plays in class; I heve working with them for 5 or six years, especially in Bachillerato in Oral Skills (Ampliación de Inglés), althiugh when you use dram with younger students they also love it!

The main problem I find to work with ESO students is the lack of time, as our subject has only three hours a week in non-bilingual schools.

When I make up my mind to work with a group using drama, I consider three options:

- using a written skit or short play the students have to learn

- prepare a set of cards with different roles and a general objective for the activity

- write the beginning of a play and let students finish it, adding characters  and situations

My choice is goingn to depend basiccaly on the students I am going to work with; for those with a higher level, you can use any of them, but for younger or less confident studnts, I think the first option is the best.

Whenever I have use dram in the class, I think is really rewarding becuase it means a change in our daily routine and they realize they can communicate in English. We must remeber that English is not only a subject, is a tool they are going to need in thier future.

Visitas: 34

Foro de discusión

Drama ans Storytelling

Iniciada por Caridad Arroyo Sanchez 31 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama 1 contestación 

Iniciada por Elisa Rodriguez. Última respuesta de Juan Carlos de Lassaletta 30 Mar 2014.

Improving with Drama

Iniciada por Inma Marcos Peyró 30 Mar 2014.

My drama experience

Iniciada por Inés Muñoz 27 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama

Iniciada por Rosa María Romero Migueles 27 Mar 2014.



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