Last year my students of Ampliación de Inglés 2 ( 2ºBachiller ) participated in many role-plays and drama activities. It was fun and educational. They got really involved in these kind of activities.

At the end of the year, they prepared a news TV programme: the news, weather forecast, interviews, sports, advertisements, etc. They rehearsed during one week and after that we filmed it on my videocamera. One of the students edited the whole TV programme and we watched it together. It was the best experience of the whole year!

The feedback was very positive. It was a challenging activity but they enjoyed preparing it, learnt new vocabulary and used their English for a real purpose. I truly recommend it. 

Visitas: 71

Respuestas a esta discusión

It is really amazed how different things you can do with older students! There are very interesting all the activities you prepare for them and I know that for sure your students did a good job. Congratulation for your work and thank you for the idea!!


Foro de discusión

Drama ans Storytelling

Iniciada por Caridad Arroyo Sanchez 31 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama 1 contestación 

Iniciada por Elisa Rodriguez. Última respuesta de Juan Carlos de Lassaletta 30 Mar 2014.

Improving with Drama

Iniciada por Inma Marcos Peyró 30 Mar 2014.

My drama experience

Iniciada por Inés Muñoz 27 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama

Iniciada por Rosa María Romero Migueles 27 Mar 2014.



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