Like some other teachers from this course I remember how much I enjoyed participating in plays at school. In fact I recall a nice anecdote where I told my parents I needed them to take me to school on a Saturday morning for the rehearsal of a play where I had the role of the baker. It wasaa very small part but I was really thrilled about it. My father was mad at me because he did not feel like taking me to school on his free day, especially when my school was about fifteen km. away from our house. I went to my room in tears and still thinking of the play I began working on the cook's hat I was supposed to prepare for the performance using pieces of newspaper. When I had it ready, I went back to where my parents were proudly wearing the hat. They were so pleased with "my creation" that there was no doubt from then onwards that I would go to the play rehearsal. I must have been about 6 o 7 years old.

Later on, as an adolescent, I remember playing The Rose of The Little Prince and the feeling of shame I had while performing it as the director wanted me to be a corny and capricious rose.

As a teacher, I believe drama is a powerful learning tool and I demand my students to act whenever I have the occasion. They often play roles or do sketches of different sorts, most of them get into their roles and perform in a convincing way that is some times very impressive as they have a great potential.

I guess after this course all I'm missing it to put on a proper play that they could perform in front of other people. This is something I would need to think carefully and plan ahead of time but I would not mind getting involved in this adventure!, I would just need the days to have 28 hours...

Visitas: 46

Foro de discusión

Drama ans Storytelling

Iniciada por Caridad Arroyo Sanchez 31 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama 1 contestación 

Iniciada por Elisa Rodriguez. Última respuesta de Juan Carlos de Lassaletta 30 Mar 2014.

Improving with Drama

Iniciada por Inma Marcos Peyró 30 Mar 2014.

My drama experience

Iniciada por Inés Muñoz 27 Mar 2014.

My experience with drama

Iniciada por Rosa María Romero Migueles 27 Mar 2014.



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